Chat Line - available 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday

Your safety is important to us. Here is what we want you to know before you chat with us:

  • Our chat line is end-to-end encrypted.

  • Our chat line is confidential. You can choose to remain anonymous.

  • Our conversations will always stay in the chat box - if you close out of the browser, the messages will disappear.

  • Pressing the Quick Escape Button will bring you away from our chat and to, but from there, the “back” button will bring you back to the empty chat.

  • You can always choose to open a browser in incognito mode - sites visited in that mode don’t show up in your browsing history.

  • This chat may not be protected from spyware. If you have reason to believe there is someone monitoring your activity on your computer, phone, or tablet, we encourage you to find another device to chat with us or to call our 24/7 confidential hotline at 802-658-1996.

  • If you want to learn more about tech safety, you can call us or visit this page.

If it is safe to chat, click HERE.