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After dating on and off for 3 years, we married. The marriage lasted for more than 2 years.
But, after the wedding, I began to notice signs that he was controlling me.
My ex-husband harassed me and my family, trying to convince me to take him back. Eventually I filed for a restraining order against him.
One June evening, he broke into my home, attacking me with a knife and a metal baseball bat.
He stabbed me multiple times. I lost a lot of blood. As a result, I was in the ICU for 4 days, with all memory of how my body looked before that night gone from my mind.
My ex-husband pleaded guilty to his crime against me, and was sentenced to 22 years, with no chance for parole. He’s serving that now.
Through a faith-based organization and members of my family, I’ve found strength. I’ve found willpower, to move on with my life.
I now share my story in hopes that it may inspire other survivors to know that abuse is not okay, and control is an early sign of the abuse that could come later.