On October 5, we’ll join the community for Take Steps in Their Shoes. Now in its third year, this event allows all in attendance to celebrate survivors who have gone through the unthinkable. It provides an opportunity to walk together, talking, growing and healing along the way. And it serves as a major fundraising event for Steps to End Domestic Violence, the money raised used to provide free and confidential services to those who have experienced abuse.
So – why do we do it?
The day is a happy one. It’s a big, purple party! Because we deserve it. Our stories are unique, they are our own, and sharing them is powerful. Those listening will without a doubt learn something new – about the speakers and about how domestic violence affects us all. By sharing, we’re owning our experiences and acknowledging personal triumph.
How you can get involved
1. Register to attend.
Grab your ticket now for just $35 and secure your spot in the day’s events. The first 100 people to show up will get a great souvenir to take home – stay tuned for more details on that. If you can, wear purple shoes – purple is the color associated with domestic violence awareness and it looks great as we walk through Burlington’s South End.
2. Speak.
Do you have a story to share? Work with us to develop it for the stage and present it live at ArtsRiot during the event. Never shared publicly before? Nervous about public speaking? We get that – our friend and storytelling expert Sue Schmidt will show you the ropes and work one-on-one to help you get ready. It’s a low-pressure, supportive environment, we promise.
If you’d like to speak, email jessf@stepsvt.org to talk about it.
3. Donate.
You’re out of town October 5 – bummer! But don’t worry, you can still support the event and our work. By donating you’re taking a stand against domestic violence and directly supporting those who have experienced it. Any amount makes a difference – give once or give monthly, it’s up to you.
4. Start your own fundraiser.
Tell your friends why you’re a supporter of Steps to End Domestic Violence and encourage them to become one, too. It’s so easy – visit our campaign page and click “I Want to Fundraise For This.” Then share your fundraiser with your social networks and watch the gifts roll in! The more we share, the more we can raise together.
5. Volunteer
A great way to give back - and get free admission - is to volunteer during the event. We need folks to check-in registrants, help out with the silent auction and more. Contact Bessie McManus at bessiem@stepsvt.org to talk about how you can make a difference.
If you have any questions about registration or fundraising, don’t hesitate to reach out – contact Jessie Forand, Development + Communications Manager, at jessf@stepsvt.orgor (802) 658-3131 x 1063.